Thursday 10 February 2011

"How has the digital world change the way we consume and create TV?"

Digital TV to the Viewers

Since the development of the digital world, the amount of different channels there is for the viewers has risen by a big percentage. There is a wide range of channels for the viewers now than many years before. Also analogue channels have risen to five which gives people who still have an analogue TV a wider range of channels than the couple they had before the development. 

Examples of ways the digital channels were introduced were through satellite TV such as Sky and Cable TV such as Virgin and BT vision. Viewers who changed from analogue TV to Digital TV went from only having five channels to a wide range of nearly eight hundred channels. Television was now broken down into categories such as documentary, sport, music, news, children, radio and many more genre categories. This made TV more enjoyable for viewers as they could easily find what they felt like watching. Also, some of the five TV channels that were available on analogue TV have developed and made other channels for their channel, such as BBC 1 now has BBC 2 BBC 3 est. and ITV has developed channels such as ITV 2 and ITV 2 + 1. This shows over the years that not only have channels risen rapidly that channels are developing.



Digital cameras over Film/Video cameras

There are many advantages to using digital cameras instead of film cameras. Digital cameras have much more advantages than film cameras to getting a better shot of what they need.

Digital camera let you upload photos you have taken on your camera onto a computer by a simple lead that comes with the camera or by using a memory card which a camera holds. This is a big advantage as it lets you upload photos on to blogs, social networks and other websites by a simple click of a button without any development. Also, uploading them onto your computer allows you to look at the photos before paying for them to be developed professionally. However film cameras can be a long process, as well as not being certain on what the photo looks like, you have to develop the film, this can be done within some photo shops which you have to pay for or can be done in your own dark room. It can be a long process as the film needs to be developed onto photographic paper then mixed in developing inks. This is a much longer process than the simple uploading onto a computer done by a digital camera. Also, on digital cameras there is a little screen with allows you to view the photo you have taken immediately so you know whether the photo needs to be taken again, however on film cameras you cannot see what you have taken until it is developed so this could end in being a waste of money if the photo is not what they wanted. 

Also, other advantages of using a digital camera is that if you wanted to record something, you can use the digital camera, as they have many different options of how you want to use your camera. So a simple change of settings and you can record what you like. Whereas you would have to take a video camera out as well as a film camera if you were changing between  the either of them. On digital cameras you can set the scene up, for example, if it will be a night shot, a close up, or beach scene, you can change the setting so nothing is lost in the shot due to brighten or darkness.  Also an advantage of uploading the photos onto your computer from a digital camera is that you are guaranteed a copy of the photo somewhere else as well as on the memory on your camera so you will not loose any photos, where as when developing the photos from a film camera is you only have the negatives which could easily be lost.

Editing in the Digital World

Editing is a big advantage to companies when producing a TV program. This allows them to record a wide range of shots then edit them together in post production to make their program look the best. This also allows them to cut out any mistakes and make sure the program runs smoothly together so there is no mistakes. Within editing you can also add you own effects. For example in a comedy program if funny sounds are being used and music is being added you can do this all in post production and add it where ever you need it. All special effects can be added during the editing of the program, other effects are brightness, contrast, airbrushing and sound effects. All this allows them to twig all the mistakes and add all the effects needed to make the program they are producing perfect and ready for showing.

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