Thursday 1 September 2011

Primary Research 2


I put together a questionnaire about Fizzy Drinks and asked 10 people to fill it out. The range of age from 15- 35. I got mixed reviews back but I feel I know what type of drink i want to make and what my target audience will be for it.  

Here is my questionnaire. 

Questionnaire on Fizzy Drinks
1.       What is your favourite drink out of these 8 fizzy drinks?

⎕ Coca Cola    ⎕ Tango    ⎕ Red Bull    ⎕ Lucozade

⎕ Dr Pepper    ⎕ Monster Energy Drink   ⎕ Sparking Water   ⎕ Cherryade  

2.       How often do you drink fizzy drinks?

⎕ Everyday   ⎕ Few times a week ⎕ once a week ⎕ Just with a meal

3.       What is the main reason you drink fizzy drinks?

⎕ Taste nice   ⎕ For the energy ⎕ Nothing else to drink ⎕ Other___________________(please state)

4.       What type of fizzy drink do we need more off?

⎕ Fizzy Drinks ⎕ Fruit flavoured drinks ⎕ Energy drinks ⎕ Sports energy drinks

5.       What grabs your attention about a drink?

⎕ The image of the drink ⎕ The advertisements ⎕ Type of fizzy drink it is

6.       I feel we need more sport type fizzy energy drinks, do you agree?

⎕ Yes ⎕ No


7.       If a new Sports Fizzy Drink came out for younger people, do you think it would work? (State age……..)

⎕ Yes ⎕ No


8.       Please explain what you feel we need new in the market.


1. Coca Cola - 3 
Dr Pepper - 2 
Red Bull - 3
Water - 1
Tango - 1

2. Everyday - 3
With a meal - 4
Few a week - 3

3. Taste nice - 7
Energy - 3

4. Sports - 6
Fizzy - 2
Energy - 2

5. Image - 7
Advertisement - 2
Type of Drink - 1

6. Yes - 9
No - 1 

- A large majority agreed with this. A lot of the comments said fizzy drinks need to be drunk as in a way of improving their performances, as now a days fizzy drinks are drunk just because they taste nice and this isn't a good way of approaching it because they aren't good for you so a lot of people feel a fizzy drink with a lot of elements in it that is good for you is a good new approach to something new on the market. 

7. Yes - 10

- As an age range from 14-35 done this questionnaire this question seemed to still go down well with all ages. The comments said this could be a way of helping keep children keep healthy as most teenagers drink unhealthy fizzy drinks which rot their teeth. However with a Sports Fizzy Drink it will include elements that younger teenagers are not getting now so all of the people who answered my questionnaire said this could be a good idea. 

8. After reading the last two questions about a Sports Fizzy Drink for teenagers the majority of them wrote this down so clearly my idea is a good idea which is now running through peoples minds. 


I had a one on one interview with a 16 year old girl who was into sports and also liked her fizzy drinks. I asked her what she thought about bringing out a new Sports Fizzy Drink and also asked what would be a good way to advertise it and what would catch her attention.

- The feedback I got from the 16 year old was very positive. She said she feels the Sports Fizzy Drink will work as she said Lucozade is very popular with her age group which has some of the elements I'd like to include in mine. She also thought this would be a good way of persuading teenagers to start drinking more healthily as well as eating healthily. When asked about what is a good way of advertising this drink she said not to bore the teenagers with facts about the drink, to try and make it interesting and fun but also beneficial that they do understand what it is.Funny but understanding of the drink is what she said. This is clearly something that could attract her attention so could work with other 16 year old people.    

My second interview was with a father of two who is 37 years old. He is someone that believes there needs to be more healthy options for teenagers out there. I asked him the same questions as I asked the previous girl. 

- The feedback I got from him was also positive. He believed the Fizzy Sports Drink could work with the teenagers. He said, teenagers love fizzy so joining it with something that is healthy for them could work in a way of improving their performances if playing football or something or just a way of making them healthier altogether. On the question about advertising he said making the image of the drink interesting and fun is way of attracting the teenagers, bright and wacky colours. He said making the whole drink fun will be a great way of getting their attention to the drink instead of boring them with facts that they really aren't too worried about.  

Altogether throughout my Questionnaires and my interviews i had good reviews on the new idea of a Fizzy Sports Drink. 

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