Friday 2 September 2011

TV Advert Production - Task 4

After doing some secondary and primary research into different fizzy drinks and after trying out my ideas on some people I interviewed and done a questionnaire on, I decided to design a new fizzy sports energy drink. I chose this because during my research I realised there aren’t many drinks out there which are mainly aimed at the younger generation to help improve their performances. My drink is a fizzy sports energy drink and it is called ‘Zade’. I aim to make my television advert for my product funny because this is something that would catch the attention of younger people.  I aim to make a drink that will be healthy for the younger people to drink while playing a sport to enhance their performance.

Synopsis: My advert will include a variety of different sports people e.g. Footballers, runners, basket ballers, tennis players, etc.  I want the characters to be aged 13 to 18; which is my target audience. In my advert I want it to start with shots of the sports people showing their faces looking competitive and ready to go. After this, once they have begun their sport, you see all them running around being fast as ever with energy to win the sport they are playing. After the game has finished, the players will celebrate their winning, running around doing cart wheels, throwing their tops over there head, just celebrating madly. It will end on showing them all sitting on the bench relaxing while drinking a bottle of Zade. Lastly to advise the drink, you will see the drink with everyone behind celebrating.

Target Audience: After carrying out the questionnaires and interviews with people I decided on designing a drink for younger sports people so my target audience is 13 to 18 years old. I feel my drink targets its audience with the bright and bold colours used because it’s not boring and dull which wouldn’t stand out. I also feel my planned advert for my product will attract the attention of the target audience because It is quite funny when they are running around quickly completing and winning their game and then when they celebrate they might be able to relate to this when they have previous won something . I will be using the advertising technique called wit and humour to attract the audience.  I also plan to make the music of the advert music that would be popular within the younger generation, this will also be a way of getting their attention.   

Brand of my Product

My advert will start off with four different sport players, one footballer, one runner, one basketball player and a tennis player. The advert will take place in a basketball court, football pitch, tennis court or the start of a 100m sprint. The first couple of shots will cut between close up shots of the sports players faces to the hands with a ball or a racket. They won’t be quick shots but it won’t be dragged out shots; it will just show the focus of the players. This builds up the tension of the game about to start.

The props needed for this scene will be the right clothing for the game e.g. Football kit, basketball kit, sprinting shoes, trainers, etc. Also a tennis racket, football, basketball will be in this scene, this is necessary to show we are representing a sports drink. No lightening will be needed for this scene as we are hoping to do this all outside in park courts, etc. The talent we will be using for this scene will be people who participate in these 4 kinds of sports. The music throughout this scene will be the heartbeat of the players in the background with a music track of Lady GaGa - Born This Way building up in the background.

The next scene will be when the game takes off. There will be loads of quick shots of the players running around with the ball, speeding past other players and keep getting goals. This will be shown in a funny way though, all of the shots will be quickened so it looks like they are really fast. Also I I want to show the other players playing against them for them to fall over, be knocked out of the way of the main player we are focusing on etc. There will be a range of long shots, to mid shots, to close ups of their expressions. Mainly will be long shots to show off their quick performance during their game. To show off all four different sports there will be a lot of cuts of different shots to show off all four performances. Some of the long shots will follow the movement of the player to show off the speed.

The props for this scene will be the same as the last one, props needed for the game e.g. football, rackets etc. The talent will also be dressed the same as previously to show they are involved in the sport they are playing. The sound throughout this scene will be the song Lady GaGa - Born This Way. I chose this because it picks up the paste like it does also on screen. I also chose this song because it was in the charts and will be popular with the younger generation who this advert is aimed at.

The next scene will be still on court but they would have just won the game. In this scene you will see the players celebrating by doing cartwheels, pulling their t-shits over their heads, running up to their friends and celebrating as a group. This will also be shown in a funny way, them celebrating in a way the adults wouldn’t. There will be a range of shots, from long shots to close up shots to show what they are doing when celebrating. There will be a lot of cuts again to show all four celebrating in a different way. Also, the drink comes into picture this scene so close up shots will be shown of the players drinking the drink.

In this scene, the drink will come into picture. Some of the four players will be holding it in their hands, takes sips of it, etc. This is the start of showing where they get all their energy from to perform like that. The sound in this scene will still be the song Lady Gaga - Born This way, you will also hear the cheers of the players over the music.

The last scene will be of all four main sport players sitting on the bench drinking the drink “Zade”, they will all look happy during this scene because of what they have achieved because of the drink. This will be a long shot of all of them; the screen will be split into four to show all of them with the drink. This crosses the message that the drink is the answer.

The music in this scene will slowly fade down but you will still hear the sound of cheers in the background. Props needed for this scene will be a bench and the drink, not many are needed for this one as the main focus of this scene is the drink. It will end on the slogan “For the energy, to perform” will come up in graphics along the bottom. 

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