Thursday 1 September 2011

TV Advert Production - Primary Research 1

Primary Research 1
First Advert – Lucozade Lite

This is an advert for the drink Lucozade Sport Lite. This advert was shot in California along Venice Beach. In the advert you see a group of skaters skating along Venice Beach then all coming together at the end at a skate park which is along Venice Beach. The two main skaters in the advert are Candice and Danielle, they are quad skaters in America, also in the advert is Kilian Martin, and he is a very famous skateboarder.

Throughout the advert you see clips of the three main skaters but also clips of other skaters skating along Venice Beach and at the skate park. Also throughout the advert you see clips of the skaters drinking the Lucozade Sport Lite or holding it while skating.  After seeing the clips of the drink, the energy picks up within the advert, for example, the skating gets more energetic and also the music picks up speed. This could be showing off the energy they get from the drink. As well as the skaters being represented as cool in their brightly coloured clothes, they are also representing their passion for skating. The drink is also represented as a way the skaters get their energy, for example it looks a hot summer’s day so they would get dehydrated by skating in that temperature so also shows Lucozade is a good drink for dehydration as well as for the energy to skate. 

There is no specific genre for this advert that I could spot. I think the target audience for this advert is teenagers/young adults age range 16 to 25, I think this because this age range is shown in the advert. Also, the people in the advert look like they’re having a good time, dressed in bright cool colours with energy from drinking Lucozade which will attract the attention of the aimed audience. Also the song that is used was a new song by DJ Fresh which will catch the audience’s attention. However I also think this advert could be aimed at the people who take up sport as in the advert they are clearly doing the sport that they like and they get the energy from the drink which other sports people could need. This advert specifically is advertising Lucozade Sport Lite where as other adverts I have seen are adverting other Lucozades like Lucozade Energy, Lucozade Sport Body Fuel, etc. Throughout the advert you see the image of the Lucozade a couple of times, you see two different coloured bottles throughout, a green and a yellow one, which shows there are different flavours to choose from. You see the drink being held or drunken within the advert. Also at the end of the advert the drink is shown with like a sun from behind it, this looks like a spot light on the drink, this shows it is an important part of the advert, it also makes it looks big and powerful which it is as it’s an energy drink. 

In this advert there is a lot of different shots used, for example; Low angled, close ups, tracking shots, long shots, etc. There are some good tracking shots of the skater’s feet while moving, in these shots you also get shots of the Lucozade which shows it off. They also use slow motion shots which are good because it shows of what the skaters are doing and also the shot sometimes goes to the slow motion of the song. Also noticed the skating gets faster to the beat of the music. As it starts off soft and smooth then towards the end its much faster. There is lots of cuts between each different shot to show of the skating from different angles. The word “YES” is shown on a black background in bold white letters; this is shown in all Lucozade adverts, its saying “yes you can do it with a bottle of Lucozade”. The song that is used for this advert is DJ Fresh – Louder, at the time of the release of the advert the song was also new and because of this advert it also made it into the charts. The three main words used in this song is Louder, Stronger and better which could be a way of explaining what a drink of Lucozade can do. Also, this being an energy drink, the lyrics “you can’t change this energy inside” is a way of relating back to the drink as well. The adverts ends on the skaters cheering then go to a shot of the bottle; this could show they are cheering on the drink that gave them the energy to perform like they just did. 

I think this advert is successful because the song they used it will catch the attention of the age range they were aiming it at due to teenagers being in to this type of music and also how the skaters are shown in the advert is interesting which will also catch people’s attention. Although Lucozade adverts don’t show their drink much in any of their adverts, I think if it was shown more often then it advertises the image of the product more as well. The advertising technique they used that I noticed was Glittering Generalities, the advert is trying to put across with this drink you will perform this brilliant with loads of energy. I think the main message this advert is trying to put across is that if you have a bottle of Lucozade Sport Lite you will perform like this when doing any sport.

Advert 2 - Powerade
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Powerade Research
This is an advert for Powerade ION4. This advert was shot in a studio with one main character being Chris Paul who is a professional basketball player. This is a more factual advert compared to the previous advert.

In this advert, Chris Paul is the main character. He is represented as a healthy fit sportsman. In the advert he speaks about the science of the drink but also talks about what makes a good performance within the game. For example, his is representing the different elements in the drink e.g. Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, this helps knowledge the audience about what is in the drink instead of just attracting them to the image of the product or whoever is in the advert. This is a good way of representing the drink as some people are not always convinced these drinks are as good for you as adverts make out, Chris Paul even say in the advert “know the science”.

The target audience I feel for this advert is 21-35 within the sporting category. I feel this drink isn’t aimed at younger adults as its more a sophisticated drink, the way the advert is presented you wouldn’t think it was aimed at children and teenagers. Also, it seems to be that teenagers wouldn’t be interested in the science side of the drink, they would just judge by the images. Within the advert, performance is mentioned which obviously all sporty people would like to improve on. Throughout the advert, Chris Paul says a lot of convincing words, for example “mental and Physical performance at every moment” this shows that from this drink your performance in both of these places will be up to scratch. Chris Paul is very serious spoken in the advert which shows the seriousness of the drink and also his dedication towards the game. He makes the drink seem serious itself which is very persuading that the drink is what it is represented as. I feel this advert works as in aiming it at 21-35 year olds because Chris Paul is very persuading about the drink and how it helps his performance and Chris Paul being a professional, most sports people would like to follow his steps. The image of the drink looks very big and strong in the advert, it sort of looks like a body figure, the bumps on the bottle could represent muscle. The main colours of the drink are blue, black and white which is shown throughout the advert. In the advert the bottle looks important, giving of the message that if you want to perform like Chris Paul then this drink is the answer.

This advert looks very professional and all the different effects give the science effect. At the beginning of the advert, he walks into the spot light which is on his throughout the whole of the advert, this shows he is important and the main focus is on what he is saying. Throughout the advert you see a range of shots e.g. mid shots, long shots, close ups, low angled. I feel they use a range of strong shots like the low angled shot of Chris Paul makes him look big and strong and also there are many close up shots of his hands, basketball and face which are very intense strong shots. This advert was recorded on green screen as all of it is graphics. There is graphics of the bottle, the atoms, and atoms bonds flying around Chris Paul, basketball court, medals, and players smashing into pieces when Chris Paul passes through them and also the ball changes into an atom towards the end. This advert is full of effects and graphics whereas the last advert was mostly just plain recording. The sound throughout the advert is like a heartbeat in the background; this is like the tension of the game but by the end has completed it with a drink of Powerade. The sound is also quite beaty which speeds up throughout the advert. There is also sound effects for what is happening e.g. smashing through the players and the bangs of the four words at the end.

There is no storyline to this advert. It’s just based on a professional basketball player talking about the science of the drink and about his performance after having the drink. It’s not like the previous advert; this advert just concentrates on the drink and what it provides. The genre of this advert is scientific; I think this because obviously they are talking about the science of the drinks by referring to the different elements in the drink. They use two different adverting techniques, one being facts and figures as they are obviously relating to what elements the drinks contain, they also refer to the performance with reference of medals the basketball player had won. Another one they use is testimonial as they are using Chris Paul to present the drink and he is a professional basketball player so coming from a professionals view will convince the audience more. I do think this advert is successful as there is many positive words throughout the advert about the performance and also referring to the science part of the drink makes it more reliable to the viewers.

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