Tuesday 22 May 2012

More Magazine/Posters Research

I went on the website www.issuu.com to look at on-line magazines to look into the way different magazines lay out interviews, products etc.. I looked more into rock n roll type of magazines as the artist I was working with specialised in that genre of music so I wanted to get a good insight on how to lay out my work.   
                                           Melodic Rock Fanzine
The first on-line magazine I looked at was Melodic Rock Fanzine. This magazine was mainly based around interviews and reviews on certain bands/artists. This January 2012 issue included reviews and interviews of Primal Fear, Mollo Martin, Michael Thompson Band, Mark Spiro, Dragonland, Chris Ousey, Sonic Station, Sunstorm and many more!


Just from looking at the cover of this magazine you can see it's genre of music is quite heavy and rock n roll. This magazine would be aimed at people aged between 20-30 years old who are into this type of music. The bands/artists that are shown on the front cover look like the kind of people into heavy music, also the clothes that they're wearing, black leather jeans, jackets and tops suggest they're quite rock n roll. The whole front cover is quite dark with colours such as black, grey, white, brown etc. However they use the colour red to brighten up the main aspects of the front cover so they stand out to the people looking at this magazine. The name of the magazine is in red so this will stand out from other magazines so people will see this straight away. The font of the writing on the front cover is quite big and bold, they also have a shortened version of the magazines name, "MRF", which takes up a big part of the front cover of the magazine which will stand out and catch peoples attention. It also isn't too cluttered like other mainstream magazines, which sometimes attracts more people due to it sticking to a few main stories/bands, the ratio from text to images is 3:7. I think this magazine cover fits what type of genre it is based around with the different aspects of the front cover.
This is a main two page spread on a band called 'Primal Fear'. This band was shown as the front cover so it indicated to the people looking at this magazine that there would be a lot more about them within this magazine. The basic layout of this subject includes one photo of the band, the name of their new album, an interview with the band and a review of the band. The style of this page is very big and bold which fits the running theme of the magazine. It is also mostly writing with the odd picture of the band and their album, the ratio of writing to photos is 8:2. Although most of the page is quite light with the colour of white, the way the writing is laid out still indicates its a rock n roll type of magazine with the blocks of writing laid out side by side. The magazine also has a jagged framing around the edges with the cover of their album as the background which makes the page look more rock n roll instead of a clean cut page. I think it is really effective as it suits the lay out as well as the lay out is really plain so it adds more to it to make it look busier. 
I noticed a running layout within this magazine, its very clear with what the magazine is trying to get across to the readers. It clearly states what band/artist they're talking about, the name of their album, and the people who interviewed them. They have a clear photo to indicate who the magazine is based on then about a third of the page is an interview done with the artist/band asking about their new album etc.. Also, I noticed at the bottom of each article there is a review on the band and their personal opinion, this expresses to the readers what they really like about the band/artist etc.. I think the stylistics of this magazine suit the target audience as the dark colours, the genre of bands/artists, the layout etc. fits exactly to what the magazine is about and whos in it. 

This magazine also has a page for new releases of albums that are quite popular. The layout of this page is quite easy to read, the simple pictures of the album with a bit of information about the band/artist and album. The colour of the page is mainly blues and green with the firing orange title, 'New Releases' which will catch the attention of the reader to look through and maybe buy one. The dark colours used also relates back to the genre of the magazine, being a quite heavy metal, rock n roll, magazine. You wouldn't see colours like pink in a magazine like this as it isn't relevant to the theme. The bold font for the main parts like the titles, name of band/artist, album name etc. make the main facts stand out from the rest so instantly looking at this, you'll know what its about. The little bit of writing about the album is all centred which I feel makes it easier to read, also the colour of this is white which is another way to make it stand out against the dark backgrounds. 

Metal Hammer 222 Sampler

The second magazine I looked at was Metal Hammer 222 Sampler. This magazine is the UK's only monthly hardcore metal magazine accompanied by a gift every issue. Covering both traditional and comtemporary metal bands, hardcore, gothic rock, punk and alternative, you'll also find reporting on the burgeoning British scene as well as all the latest bands Stateside and around the world. There's comprehensive news and reviews sections and in-depth interviews with upcoming stars on the scene and more well known acts. Metal Hammer is loud, rude and makes no apologies. The target audience for this magazine is for more teenagers, the age range would be 15 to 25 year olds. The layout and bands seem to be more this age ranged.
Just by looking at the front cover and the name of the magazine it is clear to see what type of music this is involved with. The front cover layout is very similar to main stream magazines that you would see on the shelves in a shop, however the first magazine was very different in the way it was laid out. The way this layout is very effective in catching peoples attention is all the main information about the magazine is all at the top. Magazines tend to do this because the way magazines are laid out on the shelves the top of the magazine is the first bit you see so if someone was just scanning the shelves and see "Judas Priest" above the name, you'd know straight away there is going to be an article on them in this magazine. The font on this magazine is quite bold and square, it is also all in capitals which is done on most magazines to make it stand out. The colour of the magazine is mostly dark colours like dark green, black, greys etc. which fits perfectly with the genre of this magazine. Although the colours are quite dark and boring, the front cover is still really interesting with the different fonts that are used, for example, the font for 'Machine Head' looks like its been drawn on there by someone and also, the guy on the front cover represents the heavy metal that he is into with the way he is dressed, his tattoos etc. There is little text on the front cover, just the main name of bands that are involved inside of the magazine and the gift that comes with this magazine, its only little text but it grabs the attention of the audience because they might be interested in these certain things. 
This is a main article from the magazine. I feel the layout of this magazine would suit some people better than articles with lists of writing, the ratio of images to text would be 6:4 and I feel some people, especially the target audience for this magazine, would prefer looking at images instead of reading massive amounts of writing. The layout is also very interesting to look at with the smaller images of the band performing etc so this shows of the band in a good way. The framing of the photos also makes the layout more funky. Although the colours used aren't very dark which you could expect from a heavy metal band, the colours they use, such as red, green, white etc work well with the layout. I think the element of the heavy metal you get from this is the type of font they use, its quite big and bold and stands out when you look at the magazine. 
This is another article from the magazine about a heavy metal band. The layout of this article is very interesting in the way the cool pictures and writing make it. Within the lay out there is three photos which introduce the three different guys in the band and shows of their image so you get an insight to what they're about. There is more writing in this article than the one before, the ratio of text to images in about 5:5 which I feel will still work with the audience as the it is very interesting. The colour of the page is quite gloomy, you get that ghost effect which is shown on the main headline on the first page. This page is based around more darker colours such as grey, black, whites and blues, this could reflect the type of music they're in to.The colour of the pictures is also shown in the writing with the colours they are. The font they use for this article is bold and big like all articles so it stands out. As I mentioned before, they have the like ghostly effect over the 'Stand and deliver' headline which relates to the picture behind it with the outlines of their bodies reflected on the wall but cant actually see them. 

This page is a comedic page in a way to entertain the readers. It carries on the element of a music magazine but shows certain people answering what album they'd like played at different events. The elements of heavy rock in this is shown in the title, 'Discs of Doom', you wouldn't see this as a title in a girly magazine.  This page is very similar to the page advertising albums in the other magazine I looked at. Its laid out in three different bits where as this is the question, the person answering it, then there answer. The layout of this page is set out so its an easy read, everything is laid out that you would understand where to look for the information you want to know straight away. The pictures of the albums are also a good indication of what you're looking for and whats going to be included. Once again, the font they use is big and bold, also on this page it is 3D which  makes it stand out even more. The colours also keep to the theme of the magazine with no major bright happy colours, just the colours of grey and black to keep to the heavy metal element. 
While research different magazines, I also looked into festival posters, which would be advertised in these sort of magazines, and looked at how they were laid out. I looked into heavy metal sort of festivals so I could relate it back to what I had already looked at within my research.
This poster is for the Download festival, the bands that play at this festival are more rock and roll, heavy metal type such as Slipknot, The Prodigy, Pendulum etc. The lay out is typical to any other festival line up. However, although the writing font that is used is the bands own, it still relates to the genre of music they're revolved around which helps to add to the poster/festivals theme. The elements on the page are also out of the ordinary, which the things rock n roll artists do can be seen as different sometimes, so this relates back to that. This is a very colourful poster with the different and random creatures around the edge of the poster, I feel this works well as it makes the poster stand out so it catches your attention but also adds to the rock n roll theme. 
This is another festival poster for the Ozz Fest. This festival is a much more heavy metal festival than the download festival. It is clearly shown on the poster by the different elements. The picture on the poster for example shows its a bit mental with the scary skull face and the bands/artists that are playing. Also, the colours are quite dark colours compared to the previous poster, for example, dark reds, black, dark yellow. This shows more elements on a heavy metal festival as its not all happy and bright. The font of the poster is also again big and bold so it stands out but also it seemed to be a running element in these sort of genre of posters and magazines etc.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Magazine Assignment - Research

Ami Barwell
Ami Barwell known as the Rock 'N' Roll Music Photographer. She is the worlds leading music photographer, she has photographed a range of album/single covers, press shots, portraits and Live shots of the worlds top bands and solo artists.Ami is based in London and has been shooting within the music industry for the past 10 years now. Her ability to capture the raw essence of her subject on film has earned her a solid reputation as one of the worlds leading music photographers. Ami's photography had gained worldwide critical acclaim, both portraits and live shots. All her photography encapsulates the true spirit of rock 'n' roll - passion, emotion, sex, sweat and soul. 

- I think these two shots above are real strong photos. I could see these being used for single or album covers and how the writing would lay out on these photos. You also get the message that this guy (Karima Francis) is a guitar player which most artists like to show in their photos. I like the composition of this photo as nothing is central and the main focus point is the man. 

In her career she has travelled the world as a tour photography with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Snow Patrol, Ian Brown, The Copper Temple Clause, The Blood Brothers and more. Ami's wide range of clients include EMI, Virgin, Sony BMG, Classic Rock Magazine, Warners, The Grammy Awards, Oyster Magazine, Universal and Atlantic records. She has worked with artists and bands such as Kasabian, Kings of Leon, Ian Brown, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Franz Ferdinand, The White Stripes, Paul Weller and many more. 
"Ami captures something nobody else can."
- This shot of Brisa Roche is one of my favourites that Ami has done. I feel this is a very unique shot that I have never seen before. I love the whole concept of using a range of different microphones to show basically what she is - a vocalist. The lighting within this photo is also very strong as it is a main beam of light shining on her from the left with a dark background, this shows she is the main focus and subject of this photo but also you get the message she is a vocalist. However, if i was to put this on a album or single cover, I would take out the background and put in a colourful background so you don't loose the different microphones that are covering her as I feel in this shot you do loose it with the dark background. 
- I noticed that most of Ami's work is black and white, I feel this is good for what she is aiming for in her photos as most of her photos look mysterious and also shows the life of a rock 'n' roll artist with the random but cool clothes and the bold make-up. Also the lighting within all her photos is very important, there seem to be a running trend of a main spot light on their faces and the instrument, this is a good way of getting across the message that there faces are giving. For example, in these two photos above you can see the girl concentrates on more the upbeat rock 'n' roll type with the instrument looking important to. In the second photo you get the message he is more down to earth type of music. 
- This two shots are taken on location with natural light. I feel it works with the natural day light to, the first shot you can see it was taken on a dull evening, I feel this works very well with the message of the photo as it shows a side of rock 'n' roll. The second photo, you can see it was quite a sunny day but with the shadow of a bus, it still has that rock 'n' roll edge to it, and also a guy laying down on the floor shows he has a crazy side. Also, throughout Ami's work she has showed the element of what the artists specialise in, in both of these photos you see the instrument which artists like to put across. I feel both these photos follow what they're trying to put across so Ami's showed you can also do this on location without the drastic lighting to show the rock 'n' roll side of an artist.

Artist Two. Danny Clinch
Danny Clinch has established himself as one of the premier photographers of the popular music scene. He began his career as an intern for Annie Leibovitz and went on to photograph the likes of Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Kanye West, Kings of Leon, Will.i.am, Tupac, The Smashing Pumpkins, Blind Melon, Jay Z and many more. His work has appeared in publications such as Vanity Fair, Spin, Rolling Stone, GQ, Esquire, The New Yorker and The New York Times magazine. He has also photographed a lot of artists/band which have appeared on their album covers. Danny has presented his work in numerious galleries and published two books, Discovery Inn (1998) and When the Iron Bird Flies (2000) 

- This is one of my favourite photos of Danny Clinch's. This is a very simple photo but has a lot of strong features about it, for example, the two microphones hanging with the black background shows he is a vocalist but Jay Z is one of the biggest artists around so the microphones emphasis how important he is. The lighting in this photo is very effective, its a main spot light on the right side of his face, you establish who it is and also can see the message is clear that he is the main focus. I could see this photo used on album or single covers, its a very recognisable photo.
- If I was doing a photo shoot of a band/group, this would be a shot I'd like to use. I feel this is a strong shot with the dim lighting just on their portrait. In this photo you can also establish how many people are in the group and what their framing is like. Also, the message that I feel this photo is trying to put across is basically what they're but also want you to understand who the lead vocalist is and so on. This shot is clearly set in a studio with there own set up lighting. They would of used a black back drop using a honey comb, the lighting would be set up in front but sort of behind them so you can get line of lighting around their faces. 

- This photo is a location shot, set in like a home studio . The lighting within this photo is mainly natural light which is coming in from the window, i feel this is very strong sort of lighting as there is many interesting objects around him e.g. the piano, guitar etc. however the main focus is the guy so the beam of light from the window shining on him shows he is the main focus of this photo. This is also an interesting shot as it shows what instruments he plays around him which is also putting across the message to what his music is about. 
- This last shot is also a location shot. In this shot you establish what instrument the artist plays and you can also see the face of the artist so people who watch his videos will be able to recognize the artist. The lighting in this photo is the natural daylight, its not too bright so it doesn't look washed out. The message you get from this photo is that he bases his music around his guitar and that his music is quite down to earth. I think this because of the natural setting with the grass, flowers and the mountains in the background. The framing of this photo is quite effective, with the artist centre of the photo, also the layout of everything else in the shot is laid out that there is something where ever you look, like the mountains for the background.

 Image 1
This is one of the images I want to base my photo shoot on. Could be done in the studio or on location.
What I like about this photo:-

  • The beam of light on the artist - shows his the main purpose of this photo.
  • Establishing what instrument he plays - you'll know what his music will include.
  • Holding the instrument in an interesting way - not boring, shows something different from other photos.
  • Interesting angle of the camera - emphasizes how important he is.

Image 2
This is another one of the images I want to base my photo shoot on. This one i would have to base in a studio or even a live event if I could get to one. 
What I like about this photo:-

  • The lighting - adds colour to the photo but also shows the framing of the artist.
  • Action shot - strong photo as its the artist doing what they're promoting.
  • The layout - not central, has an insight on the lights. 
  • The smokey effect - makes it look a bit different and interesting. 

Photo shoot with my Musician 
photo shoot in the Studio - 5th December 2011 - 12:30pm. 
photo shoot on location - 5th December 2011 - 9:00am - 12:00pm

Floor plan
My three edited photo's
Final Chosen Edit.

- My musician called Jack Grimshaw wanted a few different shots with his name clearly stated so you can establish who he is. I have done this within all of my three photos.

Friday 2 September 2011

TV Advert Production - Task 4

After doing some secondary and primary research into different fizzy drinks and after trying out my ideas on some people I interviewed and done a questionnaire on, I decided to design a new fizzy sports energy drink. I chose this because during my research I realised there aren’t many drinks out there which are mainly aimed at the younger generation to help improve their performances. My drink is a fizzy sports energy drink and it is called ‘Zade’. I aim to make my television advert for my product funny because this is something that would catch the attention of younger people.  I aim to make a drink that will be healthy for the younger people to drink while playing a sport to enhance their performance.

Synopsis: My advert will include a variety of different sports people e.g. Footballers, runners, basket ballers, tennis players, etc.  I want the characters to be aged 13 to 18; which is my target audience. In my advert I want it to start with shots of the sports people showing their faces looking competitive and ready to go. After this, once they have begun their sport, you see all them running around being fast as ever with energy to win the sport they are playing. After the game has finished, the players will celebrate their winning, running around doing cart wheels, throwing their tops over there head, just celebrating madly. It will end on showing them all sitting on the bench relaxing while drinking a bottle of Zade. Lastly to advise the drink, you will see the drink with everyone behind celebrating.

Target Audience: After carrying out the questionnaires and interviews with people I decided on designing a drink for younger sports people so my target audience is 13 to 18 years old. I feel my drink targets its audience with the bright and bold colours used because it’s not boring and dull which wouldn’t stand out. I also feel my planned advert for my product will attract the attention of the target audience because It is quite funny when they are running around quickly completing and winning their game and then when they celebrate they might be able to relate to this when they have previous won something . I will be using the advertising technique called wit and humour to attract the audience.  I also plan to make the music of the advert music that would be popular within the younger generation, this will also be a way of getting their attention.   

Brand of my Product

My advert will start off with four different sport players, one footballer, one runner, one basketball player and a tennis player. The advert will take place in a basketball court, football pitch, tennis court or the start of a 100m sprint. The first couple of shots will cut between close up shots of the sports players faces to the hands with a ball or a racket. They won’t be quick shots but it won’t be dragged out shots; it will just show the focus of the players. This builds up the tension of the game about to start.

The props needed for this scene will be the right clothing for the game e.g. Football kit, basketball kit, sprinting shoes, trainers, etc. Also a tennis racket, football, basketball will be in this scene, this is necessary to show we are representing a sports drink. No lightening will be needed for this scene as we are hoping to do this all outside in park courts, etc. The talent we will be using for this scene will be people who participate in these 4 kinds of sports. The music throughout this scene will be the heartbeat of the players in the background with a music track of Lady GaGa - Born This Way building up in the background.

The next scene will be when the game takes off. There will be loads of quick shots of the players running around with the ball, speeding past other players and keep getting goals. This will be shown in a funny way though, all of the shots will be quickened so it looks like they are really fast. Also I I want to show the other players playing against them for them to fall over, be knocked out of the way of the main player we are focusing on etc. There will be a range of long shots, to mid shots, to close ups of their expressions. Mainly will be long shots to show off their quick performance during their game. To show off all four different sports there will be a lot of cuts of different shots to show off all four performances. Some of the long shots will follow the movement of the player to show off the speed.

The props for this scene will be the same as the last one, props needed for the game e.g. football, rackets etc. The talent will also be dressed the same as previously to show they are involved in the sport they are playing. The sound throughout this scene will be the song Lady GaGa - Born This Way. I chose this because it picks up the paste like it does also on screen. I also chose this song because it was in the charts and will be popular with the younger generation who this advert is aimed at.

The next scene will be still on court but they would have just won the game. In this scene you will see the players celebrating by doing cartwheels, pulling their t-shits over their heads, running up to their friends and celebrating as a group. This will also be shown in a funny way, them celebrating in a way the adults wouldn’t. There will be a range of shots, from long shots to close up shots to show what they are doing when celebrating. There will be a lot of cuts again to show all four celebrating in a different way. Also, the drink comes into picture this scene so close up shots will be shown of the players drinking the drink.

In this scene, the drink will come into picture. Some of the four players will be holding it in their hands, takes sips of it, etc. This is the start of showing where they get all their energy from to perform like that. The sound in this scene will still be the song Lady Gaga - Born This way, you will also hear the cheers of the players over the music.

The last scene will be of all four main sport players sitting on the bench drinking the drink “Zade”, they will all look happy during this scene because of what they have achieved because of the drink. This will be a long shot of all of them; the screen will be split into four to show all of them with the drink. This crosses the message that the drink is the answer.

The music in this scene will slowly fade down but you will still hear the sound of cheers in the background. Props needed for this scene will be a bench and the drink, not many are needed for this one as the main focus of this scene is the drink. It will end on the slogan “For the energy, to perform” will come up in graphics along the bottom. 

Thursday 1 September 2011

Primary Research 2


I put together a questionnaire about Fizzy Drinks and asked 10 people to fill it out. The range of age from 15- 35. I got mixed reviews back but I feel I know what type of drink i want to make and what my target audience will be for it.  

Here is my questionnaire. 

Questionnaire on Fizzy Drinks
1.       What is your favourite drink out of these 8 fizzy drinks?

⎕ Coca Cola    ⎕ Tango    ⎕ Red Bull    ⎕ Lucozade

⎕ Dr Pepper    ⎕ Monster Energy Drink   ⎕ Sparking Water   ⎕ Cherryade  

2.       How often do you drink fizzy drinks?

⎕ Everyday   ⎕ Few times a week ⎕ once a week ⎕ Just with a meal

3.       What is the main reason you drink fizzy drinks?

⎕ Taste nice   ⎕ For the energy ⎕ Nothing else to drink ⎕ Other___________________(please state)

4.       What type of fizzy drink do we need more off?

⎕ Fizzy Drinks ⎕ Fruit flavoured drinks ⎕ Energy drinks ⎕ Sports energy drinks

5.       What grabs your attention about a drink?

⎕ The image of the drink ⎕ The advertisements ⎕ Type of fizzy drink it is

6.       I feel we need more sport type fizzy energy drinks, do you agree?

⎕ Yes ⎕ No


7.       If a new Sports Fizzy Drink came out for younger people, do you think it would work? (State age……..)

⎕ Yes ⎕ No


8.       Please explain what you feel we need new in the market.


1. Coca Cola - 3 
Dr Pepper - 2 
Red Bull - 3
Water - 1
Tango - 1

2. Everyday - 3
With a meal - 4
Few a week - 3

3. Taste nice - 7
Energy - 3

4. Sports - 6
Fizzy - 2
Energy - 2

5. Image - 7
Advertisement - 2
Type of Drink - 1

6. Yes - 9
No - 1 

- A large majority agreed with this. A lot of the comments said fizzy drinks need to be drunk as in a way of improving their performances, as now a days fizzy drinks are drunk just because they taste nice and this isn't a good way of approaching it because they aren't good for you so a lot of people feel a fizzy drink with a lot of elements in it that is good for you is a good new approach to something new on the market. 

7. Yes - 10

- As an age range from 14-35 done this questionnaire this question seemed to still go down well with all ages. The comments said this could be a way of helping keep children keep healthy as most teenagers drink unhealthy fizzy drinks which rot their teeth. However with a Sports Fizzy Drink it will include elements that younger teenagers are not getting now so all of the people who answered my questionnaire said this could be a good idea. 

8. After reading the last two questions about a Sports Fizzy Drink for teenagers the majority of them wrote this down so clearly my idea is a good idea which is now running through peoples minds. 


I had a one on one interview with a 16 year old girl who was into sports and also liked her fizzy drinks. I asked her what she thought about bringing out a new Sports Fizzy Drink and also asked what would be a good way to advertise it and what would catch her attention.

- The feedback I got from the 16 year old was very positive. She said she feels the Sports Fizzy Drink will work as she said Lucozade is very popular with her age group which has some of the elements I'd like to include in mine. She also thought this would be a good way of persuading teenagers to start drinking more healthily as well as eating healthily. When asked about what is a good way of advertising this drink she said not to bore the teenagers with facts about the drink, to try and make it interesting and fun but also beneficial that they do understand what it is.Funny but understanding of the drink is what she said. This is clearly something that could attract her attention so could work with other 16 year old people.    

My second interview was with a father of two who is 37 years old. He is someone that believes there needs to be more healthy options for teenagers out there. I asked him the same questions as I asked the previous girl. 

- The feedback I got from him was also positive. He believed the Fizzy Sports Drink could work with the teenagers. He said, teenagers love fizzy so joining it with something that is healthy for them could work in a way of improving their performances if playing football or something or just a way of making them healthier altogether. On the question about advertising he said making the image of the drink interesting and fun is way of attracting the teenagers, bright and wacky colours. He said making the whole drink fun will be a great way of getting their attention to the drink instead of boring them with facts that they really aren't too worried about.  

Altogether throughout my Questionnaires and my interviews i had good reviews on the new idea of a Fizzy Sports Drink. 

TV Advert Production - Primary Research 1

Primary Research 1
First Advert – Lucozade Lite

This is an advert for the drink Lucozade Sport Lite. This advert was shot in California along Venice Beach. In the advert you see a group of skaters skating along Venice Beach then all coming together at the end at a skate park which is along Venice Beach. The two main skaters in the advert are Candice and Danielle, they are quad skaters in America, also in the advert is Kilian Martin, and he is a very famous skateboarder.

Throughout the advert you see clips of the three main skaters but also clips of other skaters skating along Venice Beach and at the skate park. Also throughout the advert you see clips of the skaters drinking the Lucozade Sport Lite or holding it while skating.  After seeing the clips of the drink, the energy picks up within the advert, for example, the skating gets more energetic and also the music picks up speed. This could be showing off the energy they get from the drink. As well as the skaters being represented as cool in their brightly coloured clothes, they are also representing their passion for skating. The drink is also represented as a way the skaters get their energy, for example it looks a hot summer’s day so they would get dehydrated by skating in that temperature so also shows Lucozade is a good drink for dehydration as well as for the energy to skate. 

There is no specific genre for this advert that I could spot. I think the target audience for this advert is teenagers/young adults age range 16 to 25, I think this because this age range is shown in the advert. Also, the people in the advert look like they’re having a good time, dressed in bright cool colours with energy from drinking Lucozade which will attract the attention of the aimed audience. Also the song that is used was a new song by DJ Fresh which will catch the audience’s attention. However I also think this advert could be aimed at the people who take up sport as in the advert they are clearly doing the sport that they like and they get the energy from the drink which other sports people could need. This advert specifically is advertising Lucozade Sport Lite where as other adverts I have seen are adverting other Lucozades like Lucozade Energy, Lucozade Sport Body Fuel, etc. Throughout the advert you see the image of the Lucozade a couple of times, you see two different coloured bottles throughout, a green and a yellow one, which shows there are different flavours to choose from. You see the drink being held or drunken within the advert. Also at the end of the advert the drink is shown with like a sun from behind it, this looks like a spot light on the drink, this shows it is an important part of the advert, it also makes it looks big and powerful which it is as it’s an energy drink. 

In this advert there is a lot of different shots used, for example; Low angled, close ups, tracking shots, long shots, etc. There are some good tracking shots of the skater’s feet while moving, in these shots you also get shots of the Lucozade which shows it off. They also use slow motion shots which are good because it shows of what the skaters are doing and also the shot sometimes goes to the slow motion of the song. Also noticed the skating gets faster to the beat of the music. As it starts off soft and smooth then towards the end its much faster. There is lots of cuts between each different shot to show of the skating from different angles. The word “YES” is shown on a black background in bold white letters; this is shown in all Lucozade adverts, its saying “yes you can do it with a bottle of Lucozade”. The song that is used for this advert is DJ Fresh – Louder, at the time of the release of the advert the song was also new and because of this advert it also made it into the charts. The three main words used in this song is Louder, Stronger and better which could be a way of explaining what a drink of Lucozade can do. Also, this being an energy drink, the lyrics “you can’t change this energy inside” is a way of relating back to the drink as well. The adverts ends on the skaters cheering then go to a shot of the bottle; this could show they are cheering on the drink that gave them the energy to perform like they just did. 

I think this advert is successful because the song they used it will catch the attention of the age range they were aiming it at due to teenagers being in to this type of music and also how the skaters are shown in the advert is interesting which will also catch people’s attention. Although Lucozade adverts don’t show their drink much in any of their adverts, I think if it was shown more often then it advertises the image of the product more as well. The advertising technique they used that I noticed was Glittering Generalities, the advert is trying to put across with this drink you will perform this brilliant with loads of energy. I think the main message this advert is trying to put across is that if you have a bottle of Lucozade Sport Lite you will perform like this when doing any sport.

Advert 2 - Powerade
Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xoaBXjXDjg

Powerade Research
This is an advert for Powerade ION4. This advert was shot in a studio with one main character being Chris Paul who is a professional basketball player. This is a more factual advert compared to the previous advert.

In this advert, Chris Paul is the main character. He is represented as a healthy fit sportsman. In the advert he speaks about the science of the drink but also talks about what makes a good performance within the game. For example, his is representing the different elements in the drink e.g. Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, this helps knowledge the audience about what is in the drink instead of just attracting them to the image of the product or whoever is in the advert. This is a good way of representing the drink as some people are not always convinced these drinks are as good for you as adverts make out, Chris Paul even say in the advert “know the science”.

The target audience I feel for this advert is 21-35 within the sporting category. I feel this drink isn’t aimed at younger adults as its more a sophisticated drink, the way the advert is presented you wouldn’t think it was aimed at children and teenagers. Also, it seems to be that teenagers wouldn’t be interested in the science side of the drink, they would just judge by the images. Within the advert, performance is mentioned which obviously all sporty people would like to improve on. Throughout the advert, Chris Paul says a lot of convincing words, for example “mental and Physical performance at every moment” this shows that from this drink your performance in both of these places will be up to scratch. Chris Paul is very serious spoken in the advert which shows the seriousness of the drink and also his dedication towards the game. He makes the drink seem serious itself which is very persuading that the drink is what it is represented as. I feel this advert works as in aiming it at 21-35 year olds because Chris Paul is very persuading about the drink and how it helps his performance and Chris Paul being a professional, most sports people would like to follow his steps. The image of the drink looks very big and strong in the advert, it sort of looks like a body figure, the bumps on the bottle could represent muscle. The main colours of the drink are blue, black and white which is shown throughout the advert. In the advert the bottle looks important, giving of the message that if you want to perform like Chris Paul then this drink is the answer.

This advert looks very professional and all the different effects give the science effect. At the beginning of the advert, he walks into the spot light which is on his throughout the whole of the advert, this shows he is important and the main focus is on what he is saying. Throughout the advert you see a range of shots e.g. mid shots, long shots, close ups, low angled. I feel they use a range of strong shots like the low angled shot of Chris Paul makes him look big and strong and also there are many close up shots of his hands, basketball and face which are very intense strong shots. This advert was recorded on green screen as all of it is graphics. There is graphics of the bottle, the atoms, and atoms bonds flying around Chris Paul, basketball court, medals, and players smashing into pieces when Chris Paul passes through them and also the ball changes into an atom towards the end. This advert is full of effects and graphics whereas the last advert was mostly just plain recording. The sound throughout the advert is like a heartbeat in the background; this is like the tension of the game but by the end has completed it with a drink of Powerade. The sound is also quite beaty which speeds up throughout the advert. There is also sound effects for what is happening e.g. smashing through the players and the bangs of the four words at the end.

There is no storyline to this advert. It’s just based on a professional basketball player talking about the science of the drink and about his performance after having the drink. It’s not like the previous advert; this advert just concentrates on the drink and what it provides. The genre of this advert is scientific; I think this because obviously they are talking about the science of the drinks by referring to the different elements in the drink. They use two different adverting techniques, one being facts and figures as they are obviously relating to what elements the drinks contain, they also refer to the performance with reference of medals the basketball player had won. Another one they use is testimonial as they are using Chris Paul to present the drink and he is a professional basketball player so coming from a professionals view will convince the audience more. I do think this advert is successful as there is many positive words throughout the advert about the performance and also referring to the science part of the drink makes it more reliable to the viewers.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

TV Advert Production - Secondary Research

Secondary Research

When researching into fizzy drinks I found out that Coca Cola is the most popular drink in the world. Coke has been round since 1886 and has developed over time with different flavours E.g. Cherry Cola, Vanilla Coke, Coca Cola Zero etc. The Coca-Cola Company when advertising had a primary target market of those who are 13-24 years, and a secondary market of 10-39 years. I feel Coca Cola is aimed at a wide range of ages, from children, to adults to elderly people. I think this because when researching into their adverts/commercials, the age range shown in the adverts varied so there was no aimed target group, it was mostly aimed all over the market. The adverts for this drink fit the time of the year. Two adverts I found on YouTube, one was a summer commercial where it showed teenagers/young adults having fun on a summer holiday while enjoying a drink of Coca Cola. I feel the producers of this advert targeted this specific group with the summery feeling of sun, fun and drinking what all teenagers like doing. However, the Christmas advert shows a variety of ages, from young children to families (adults). This advert targets the younger group with the bright lights and the picture of Santa Claus on the truck; this will attract their attention to the drink as well as the advert.

- Summer Advert - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg_zxsxyKyM
- Christmas Advert - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogetBqMgau0

Their main colour is red; it is the main colour of the product but is also used throughout their adverts. For Example, in the two adverts I have looked at, what the people are wearing is red and also some of the props in the advert are red.  The slogan of the product has changed over the years from “Drink Coca-Cola” to “All the world loves a Coke”. Coca-Cola’s latest slogan is “Open Happiness” and in the adverts you see the happiness of the people when drinking Coke.

“The typeface used, known as Spencerian script, was developed in the mid-19th century and was the dominant form of formal handwriting in the United States during that period. The red and white colour scheme in the Coca-Cola logo was kept simple and distinctive to lure young minds. Even the Coca-Cola bottle symbolized the ‘youthful exuberance of America’.

Coca Cola Resources

Red Bull (Red Bull for English) is an energy drink of the eponymous Austrian beverage company Red Bull Energy Drink Bull. Red, usually just called Red Bull, is mostly water, sugar (sucrose, glucose), glucuronolactone, caffeine and taurine, as well as aspartame (in the sugar-free version) and added vitamins. Red Bull is based mainly on the popular energy drink in Thailand Krating Daeng. According to the manufacturer of the drink, it gives a stimulating effect and performance enhancing effect.

“Red Bull gives you wings” - Red Bull's slogan, "it gives you wings", is widely used in these marketing activities. Claims about the drink's effects and performance have been challenged on various occasions, people have claimed to sue the company for false advertising but it has been cleared that it’s just a way of saying it gives you the energy to complete tasks.

Most energy drinks are targeted at the same customer - young, urban males 16 to 29 years old. Typically, these males live on the edge or aspire to do so. They are interested in extreme sports and challenging recreational endeavours.  To illustrate Red Bull’s association with “risk takers,” the brand is directly linked to Formula 1 racing through its ownership of Red Bull Racing (Red Bull acquired Jaguar racing from the Ford Motor Company). Red Bull also sponsors David Coulthard, one of the dominant and most popular racers on the F1 circuit.

An advertising technique they use is testimonial, as David Coulthard is one of the most popular racers of the F1 circuit who is sponsored by Red Bull.

Red Bull Resources
- http://www.yourlogoresources.com/red-bull-logo/
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuoBi0fBKDc

  - Dr Pepper’s primary market is the teenage crowd and their secondary market is the 20s and 30s crowd. 
- Dr Pepper is ranked number 3 among its competitors in the area of “Soft Drinks”. 
- Dr Pepper has had many slogans over the years. 

These two adverts for Tango and Sprite are funny which attracts the attention of the audience which then might make them interested in the drink. The advertising technique they are using is called Wit and Humor. 

Sprite Advert
Tango Advert

In one of Pepsi’s advert they advertised the game between Manchester United and Real Madrid, throughout the advert Pepsi is seen as a drink the players drink before the game. In this advert it is played out as a war in olden times. A few footballers are seen throughout the advert, this technique is called testimonial as its using the players face as a way of recommending this to the public. This advert is also quite humorous because of the way it is played out in olden times so another technique is Wit and Humor.

Link to Advert